Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic intervention in which the ear is stimulated to alleviate health conditions and emotional imbalances in the body. Based upon the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture, Auriculotherapy is sometimes referred to as “ear reflexology.” Very precise points on the ear are stimulated for therapeutic results.
It can be used on its own or in tandem with another healing modality. Mind, body and spirit can be addressed through auriculotherapy. For example, it can be used to release emotional stories embedded in the cellular tissue (Mind), to relieve pain in the body such as for headaches and migraines (Body), or to align the chakras (Spirit).
Mela is trained in auriculotherapy, and uses aromatherapy, ear massage, ear probe, quartz crystal point as well as ear beads as needed during this healing session. If ear beads are used, she will decide on either silver or gold depending on the issue, and these ear beads will remain in place for up to 3 days (sometimes longer), allowing for extended healing opportunity. No needles are used, and this is noninvasive and safe.