
Why hypnosis?

Our mind is so powerful, when we reprogram our subconscious we transform our way of thinking. Hypnosis works because as you relax, your subconscious takes the forefront and listens to the suggestions being given by the hypnotist. Then, when situations arise that trigger the suggestions, your subconscious works to remind you even in the midst of going about your everyday life.

As an example, I had a client that came to me for nail biting. He was iffy about trying hypnosis, but he trusted me and I went through the very simple and very peaceful process of relaxation and then the script including suggestions that would steer him towards not biting his nails any longer. Some of the suggestions were things he could do if he felt the urge to bite his nails. From what he’s told me, it’s been months and he has never bitten his nails again after one session!

Hypnosis is powerful, because your mind is powerful. In many cases, you have to make the change needed, but your subconscious is right there tapping you to remind you of what you want to do all along the way. It’s worth a try!
