From hopeless and empty to resilient and empowered!
Let’s discuss spiritual alchemy; transformation of the mind, body and spirit. I focus on empowerment and personal sovereignty with practical tools that can be put into practice immediately.
You have the power to determine your own path in life. Everyone does. You determine your destiny and your direction, you are writing your own story. You can choose to free yourself from the control of others around you and to truly direct your own life. It is being very intentional in your life. You are a sovereign, powerful being, it is your choice to use your divinely given power!
Rev. Mela Borawski
Background Information
Rev. Pamela “Mela” Borawski CHt (certified hypnotherapist), founder of 3 Rays of Light LLC, believes in the transformational power of our own mind. Holding an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), she is certified in Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching and Spiritual Studies. Mela is an ordained and active pagan minister and community spiritual leader and the Hearthkeeper for Awen Grove Pagan Fellowship (Greenwild Tradition). She is a founding member and President of Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship, a pagan religious organization seeking 501(c)3. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC) as the Pagan Faith Representative.
She has established several community groups in her area over the past decade including Midlands Red Tent and a pagan women’s group called the Circle of Old Souls. She currently leads Crow & Crone Adventures and focuses her attention on her business 3 Rays of Light, and Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship . She has led a community Full Moon Ceremony since Jan 2018. She is also co-founder of the online school, Greenwild Mystical Academy, where she is Head Instructor.
Respected by individuals from many spiritual paths, she has been invited to a variety of venues to speak including churches, metaphysical shops, women’s organizations, festivals, retreats and wellness centers. She feels strongly in supporting and being personally involved in interfaith work in the community.
Love yourself enough to say no, set boundaries, step into your personal power and take responsibility for how you act AND react. Learn to bend and not break during stressful situations through resilience techniques. All these are great steps to truly being the author of your own story. You can write whatever kind of story you want…but it is YOURS to write.
Rev. Mela Borawski
Personal Information

A 52-year-old mother and wife, Mela was born and raised in the deep south – and would not have it any other way. She lives out in the country in South Carolina on a family homestead, where she delights in gardening, and tending her goats and chickens.
Her spiritual path would be considered eclectic paganism, though if a label is needed, she would call herself a green hedge witch. She has been quietly working on the spiritual path which she has named the Greenwild Tradition. Her witchy podcast called Belle, Book & Candle is in hiatus at the moment.
Mela is an empathic intuitive psychic, sacred jewelry artisan, energetic healer, celebrant, workshop facilitator and spiritual guide focusing on healing the mind, body and spirit. She considers herself a modern spiritual alchemist, assisting her clients in learning how to transmute negative habits, thoughts and beliefs into something positive and empowering.
Mela incorporates various techniques and modalities into her sessions and classes such as:
• Guided Meditations & Hypnosis
• Active Group Work
• Thought-Provoking Questions
• Hands-On Practice
• Breathing Techniques
• Tapping (EFT)
• Energy Reading & Manipulation
• Crystal Energy
• Resilience Building Tools
• Connecting with Angels & Guides
• Rituals & Ceremony
• Rites of Passage
She believes these provide a much more dynamic and life-changing experience than one can gain from a simple lecture.

Mela’s story is one of triumph over hopelessness, emptiness, anxiety and fear. Having been raised in an evangelical fundamentalist cult, and been the victim of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, she fell into decades of deep depression. There was a time when she considered suicide her only option. It was only through learning to love herself, becoming a more resilient human being, and following her own authentic personal spiritual path did she rise above the darkness of her past to become an inspiration to those that meet her and hear her story. She often claims “learning to love myself saved my marriage and relationships”.
Teaching has always been a deep love; even as a teenager, she volunteered her summers teaching children in neighborhoods around her hometown. She went on to serve that same mission agency as a young adult both in South Carolina as well as overseas as a missionary, training others to be effective teachers. This background gave her many of the tools that she still uses today.
She walks the walk; she has lived through her “dark night of the soul” and emerged victorious and now wishes to pass on the wisdom and information to guide others through their hardships in life. In her 40’s, she went back to school to gain the experience and knowledge she needed to use her gifts in a more powerful way. She tempers the gift of teaching with deep insight, humor, and a knack for storytelling that brings people back year after year to hear her speak.
Topics of Discussion
Transformational Topics
- My Personal Transformation Story (tw: abuse)
- Loving Myself Saved My Marriage
- Neurodivergent: Living with Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness)
- Shadow Work – What it is, Why it’s important, How to get started
- Archetypes & Spiritual Alchemy
- 5 Love Languages & Using the 5 Love Languages for SELF LOVE & SELF CARE
- The Importance of Rites of Passage
- Tapping (EFT) Techniques
- Being More Resilient
- Saying No & Setting Boundaries
- Claiming Personal Sovereignty
- Soft Addictions
- Hypnosis; What it is, Why it Works, Misconceptions Busted
- Empowerment from Accepting Death & Dying
- Recovering from an Evangelistic Christian cult
- Recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder
- Recovering from Abuse
- Vision Boards; Why & How
Spiritual / Metaphysical / Pagan Topics
- Spiritual Gifts, there are over 40!
- The Importance of Shadow Work for a Pagan
- Principles of Universal Law in our Lives
- The Science of Intuition and/or Magick
- Past Lives & Healing with Past Life Information
- Past Life Regression Hypnosis Experiences
- The Akashic Records
- Raising Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children
- Being an Empath; Protecting Yourself as an Empath
- Psychic Protection
- Personal Experiences with Ghosts, Entities & Other Spirits
- Experiences leading local Ghost Tours
- Storytelling: South Carolina Ghost Tales & Legends
- Being a Pagan in the Deep South
- What is Paganism?
- Toe Reading, “Sole” Coaching
- Green Witchcraft
- The Magick of the Moon
- Creating & Using Personal Sigils
- Why Magic/Magick is Important
- Dream Magick & Psychic Dreams
- Being a neurodivergent witch
- Other Pagan & Witchy Topics; just ask!
Sample Interview Questions
Mela enjoys conversations, so these are only offered as a jumping off point for what you wish to talk about. She doesn’t expect you to ask these word for word!
- How did learning to love yourself save your marriage?
- Why is shadow work important and how do you even get started?
- What importance do rites of passage play in our lives?
- Does hypnosis really work?
- How does setting boundaries change someone’s life?
- What are soft addictions, and how can they be detrimental in our lives?
- Why would I want to even know about my past lives? What good does it do in our lives NOW?
- What are some of your experiences facilitating past life regression?
- How do I know if my child is indigo, crystal or rainbow?
- Isn’t witchcraft evil?
- What are common misconceptions about witchcraft?
- What’s life really like as a witch?
Previous Media Appearances
•Daily Alchemy Podcast with Michelle Martin Dobbins 7.27.2020
“Real People, Real Magick”
•UnSensitive! with Ray Robinson 2.23.2021
Witch Misconceptions
•Ghost Biker Garage – Shop Talk LIVE 3.11.2021
Shop Talk LIVE with Rev. Mela Borawski
•Stoner Morning Show 3.13.2021
LIVE (Start at 37:37 for Mela)
•Midnight Morning Show with Esmond Fountain 3.23.2021
Witch, Please!
The Mindfulness Cafe 3.27.2021
The Truth About Witchcraft
Our Daily Magic Podcast 3.30.2021
3 Rays of Light
My Sentiments Exactly Podcast 4.2.2021
Living with Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia)
Discussion of Summer Solstice
Starting Nowhere Podcast 5.23.2021
Kat Khatibi Podcast 7.23.2021
Empaths, Accepting Death & Spiritual Gifts
Interview in MysticMag 9/2023
How art brought spiritual healing (Article) Link
Ghost experiences in our local museum & being a local ghost tour guide:
The State (article)
The State (youtube)
Post and Courier
Carolina News & Reporter
Living Here, 2017 (Page 20)
Belle, Book & Candle
Mela’s witchy podcast can be found here or listen below!

S4 E23: The Awakened Medical Provider | A Southern Dialogue with Nurse Practitioner Danielle Jeune – Belle, Book & Candle
- S4 E23: The Awakened Medical Provider | A Southern Dialogue with Nurse Practitioner Danielle Jeune
- S4 E22: Forging a Path Back to Spirituality | A Southern Dialogue with Barrett Self
- S4 E21: Honoring Life Stages with Rites of Passage | A Southern Dialogue with Ifetayo White
- S4 E20: Through Nature’s Eyes – Animal & Nature Communication | A Southern Dialogue with Madii Kasem
- S4 E19: Concurrent Lives, Pain Lineages & the Akashic Records | A Southern Dialogue with Julia Wesley