When Mela speaks to your group:
• Your attendees are inspired by her personal journey
• Your attendees are empowered to take control of their life
• Your attendees find hope in their own resilience
• Your attendees are given tools and techniques they can use immediately
You have the power to determine your own path in life. Everyone does. You determine your destiny and your direction, you are writing your own story. You can choose to free yourself from the control of others around you and to truly direct your own life. It is being very intentional in your life. You are a sovereign, powerful being, it is your choice to use your divinely given power!
Rev. Pamela “Mela” Borawski
Rev. Pamela Borawski CHt, founder of 3 Rays of Light, believes in the transformational power of our own mind. Holding an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), she is certified in Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching and Spiritual Studies. She is an ordained pagan minister through the Universal Brotherhood Movement, an active member of the Sisterhood of Avalon, and has established several community groups in her area including a local Red Tent for women, a pagan support group for women called Circle of Old Souls, and the Awen Grove Fellowship. She is respected by individuals from many spiritual paths, and has been invited to a variety of venues to speak including churches, metaphysical shops, women’s organizations, festivals, retreats and wellness centers.
Mela is an empathic intuitive psychic, spiritual guide, energetic healer, celebrant, workshop facilitator and wellness coach focusing on healing the mind, body and spirit. She considers herself a modern spiritual alchemist, teaching how to transmute negative habits, thoughts and beliefs into something positive and empowering. She prefers to incorporate various techniques and modalities into her sessions including guided meditation, hypnosis, group work, thought provoking questions, breathing techniques, tapping (EFT), energy reading & manipulation, crystal energy, connecting with angels and guides, resilience building tools, and even rituals to provide a much more dynamic and life-changing experience than a simple lecture.
Love yourself enough to say no, set boundaries, step into your personal power and take responsibility for how you act AND react. Learn to bend and not break during stressful situations through resilience techniques. All these are great steps to truly being the author of your own story. You can write whatever kind of story you want…but it is YOURS to write.
Rev. Pamela Borawski
Mela’s story is one of triumph over hopelessness, emptiness, and fear. Having been raised in an evangelical fundamentalist cult, the victim of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, she fell into decades of deep depression and considered suicide her only option. It was only through learning to love herself, to become a resilient human being, and finding her own authentic personal spiritual path did she rise above the darkness of her past to become an inspiration to those that meet her and hear her story.
Teaching has always been a deep love of hers; even as a teenager, she volunteered her summers teaching children in inner city neighborhoods and children’s homes. She went on to serve that same mission agency as a young adult in South Carolina as well as overseas, training others to be effective teachers. She currently trains volunteers at a local museum, and is a popular storyteller in the area.
She walks the walk, she has lived through her “dark night of the soul” and emerged victorious and now wishes to pass on the wisdom and information to guide others through their hardships in life. In her 40’s, she went back to school to gain the experience and knowledge she needed to use her gifts in a more powerful way. She tempers the gift of teaching with deep insight, humor, empathy and a knack for storytelling that brings people back year after year to hear her speak.